Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Where is the Justice ?

Three years ago Casey Marie Anthony was arrested, on the charge of Murder when her 2 and a half year old daughter were found decomposing in the woods, one mile from the Anthony’s Home. Unlike the standard reaction Casey did report to her parents (Caylee's Grandparents) or the Florida Police Department, down in Orlando, for Thirty-One days, a whole month her child is “missing”, but its okay not to report it.

It has taken 1,095 days to bring this case to trial and attempt to gain a miniscule measure of justice for innocent baby Caylee M Anthony. The trial took place from June 2011 to July 5th 2011. After 33 days of hearing testimony from the Defense and Prosecution the juries of Ms. Anthony’s peers have deliberated for only eleven hours. There are many video clips of Juror number three and four, justifying the verdict claiming that there was no clear cut way to identify the cause of death of Caylee.
. On the Afternoon, of July 5th around 2 to 3 o'clock they have returned the verdict of Not Guilty on 3 of the 6 charges against her. Not Guilty on Murder 1, Not Guilty on Murder 2, and Not Guilty on child abuse, however she is found guilty of lying to the Florida Police, authority. Casey Marie Anthony will await sentencing, to be heard on Thursday July 7th, 2011. It has been determined that Casey M Anthony will be released after serving her three out four years prison sentence, on July 17, 2011 for good behavior.
As mentioned above, the jurors voted Not Guilty for lack of definitive evidence, all that shows is these jurors are ignorant and moronic. These twelve men and women need to go back to high school science class, if they do not really understand what chloroforms and being duct taped and shoved into a trunk will do to an individual.
Fox news's website captured the best photo of Casey M Anthony, giving the proverbial middle finger to the state of Florida, and to the rest of the country sitting,wishing and praying for a small morsel of redemption for sweet little Caylee M Anthony. The question that should be posed, is that of the smile on Ms. Anthony s face, is that the face of a grieving mother or one of a twisted selfish women who just duped 12 Jurors, 7 of which were female all of whom could be or are mothers

Where is the family values in this America, where is the Maternal Instinct and compassion and love of a parent and no less a Mother?

This is not the only case in the country that showed injustice for the victims. The State of Massachusetts, more specifically the area of Cape Cod in a small town called Falmouth. This town in the 1970's was terrorized, by a Napoleonic complexed individual. Talk show host Michele McPhee (formally of WTKK, Now on WRKO) Wrote a book, entitled "When Evil Rules", published in 2009. The Book discusses crimes committed by Melvin Reinne and his "crew" of local residents not excluding certain Law Enforcement individuals. It seemed like anyone who attempted to stop his unlawful lifestyle was taken out. Melvin Reinne's last reign of terror was on attempting to kill a cop by the names of John Busby, his attempt only half successful left John Busby, with half a face for the rest of his life.
The only justice found was a minimal, at best the later part of Rein’s life is/was being spent in a psychiatric facility, where he should have been a long time ago.

Coming back up 50 years to the current time, in 2011 the Common Wealth of Massachusetts has finally captured long time felon Whitey Bulger, known for a laundry list of crimes from murder, loan sharking, drugs such as cocaine and marijuana, as well as arms trafficking. As James Joseph "Whitey" Bulger, Jr., sits in the Plymouth County Correctional Facility, One can only hope and Pray that Justice is served, and served harsh. Unlike down in Florida Where Evil Rules and poor, innocent Caylee M Anthony will never find justice and peace.

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