Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Perry Stands with Jessica’s Law

Three years ago a tragedy occurred in the state of Florida. A female child, named Jessica Lunsford was raped and murdered by a convicted child sex offender. This horrific tragedy compelled many national leaders to join together and create stronger punishments for convicted sex offenders and child abusers. Some 40 plus states have adopted this tough no nonsense law, more popularly referred to as Jessica’s Law. Jessica’s Law allows for mandatory sentencing against child sex offenders. This bill helps keep the children in our communities safer from rape and other disturbing and horrific crimes against innocent children.

Representative Jeffery D. Perry of Sandwich who represents the fifth Barnstable District has been a strong advocate of Jessica’s Law. He has worked hard to bring a version of “Jessica’s Law” to Massachusetts, and while fighting for this bill has faced sharp criticism from Beacon Hill insiders. Extremely liberal people who don’t want to see this bill passed into law, a bill that protects our kids. I stand with Rep. Perry and the hard fights he continues to endure everyday. With Jeff Perry on the hill, we know we can be fortunate someone is fighting for not only us, but our children too.

Proof in the Numbers

Only in Massachusetts can the Governor and the elected officials in the House and Senate think that raising taxes, spending the Rainy Day Fund can solve the economic slow down, that the Commonwealth is feeling. Back in August the State of Massachusetts felt the need to raise the sales tax to 6.25%, raise the meals and hotel tax as well as tax alcohol.

Sounds Great, on Paper charge individuals more money. However if the State took more time and analyzed the problem at hand and used common business sense, taught at any higher learning institution, these elected officials would realize that the residents of the Commonwealth the consumer to Beacon Hill’s product being sold will either reduce the quantity consumed, or shop else by crossing the border.

In just reviewing, some of the numbers coming in such as The Revenue benchmark that was projected to what was actually acquired is 15% less from $21,402 (Billions) down to $18,259 (Billions). The 1 ¼% Sales Tax increase to 6.25% only being 20% more than what it was previously at 5%, is too coming short. Projected for Fiscal Year 2010, First Quarter Sales tax Revenues are down 4.2% ($46 Million) Less than where the State of Massachusetts should have achieved. The Corporate Business tax in the first quarter earned $139 Million (25% Less than Forecasted).

These Numbers are a good indication that the Change that the Residents of the Commonwealth elected for are not working, What is it going to take to for the Beacon Hill to open their eyes to the real situation and realize spending more money and not cutting back on the budget is not the solution. At this Rate the State of Massachusetts will surpass the rest of the country in High Unemployment, High Bankruptcy Rates. That is not an accolade that benefits any one.

Litter Bug

Should the Tax Payers of Massachusetts even be shocked and appalled, at the mere fact Beacon Hills finest in the State Senate have come up a new tax so absurd? Well unfortunately the liberal left side of the elected Senate are at it again, Senator Robert O’Leary of Barnstable have concocted such a bill. Senator O’Leary proposed a bill that would punish manufacturers and distributors by adding a new TAX on the product(s) these companies make, and/or sell. Which the result will obviously be paid by the consumers of the common wealth.

Clearly Beacon Hill has not received the Memo, Massachusetts is one the most affected states of the recession, yet the far left of the spectrum in the state still come up with a new tax that just has to be paid by the residents of the Commonwealth. Instead of trying to solve the problem and following, the Town of Holbrook in attempting to reduce the amount trash thrown out by a house hold a week, they feel they can tax their way out.

The Town of Holbrook came up with a program that is attempting to solve the problem with out having the taxpayers dish out cash mandatory. Holbrook officials came up with an idea of have a house hold purchase a large blue trash bag, mark it town of and it will be picked up by the town. Now if someone feels it unnecessary to take out the trash this way, the individual can go through a private contractor. Each bag sold at $3.00 a piece may seem steep; however, one has to factor in how much they dispose of on a given week on average. An elderly household versus a household with a family of four will be quiet different.

Maybe before this recession ends and everything is on the up swing and in an “Economic Boom”. The Liberal Democrats in the Commonwealth will get in through their thick heads, THIS IS NOT THE CHANGE WE NEED, OR WANT!