Sunday, March 27, 2011

Who is the Real Winner? : Charlie Sheen vs. Barack H Obama

Only in America can an individual have more cameras on them for the most outlandish reasons. For the past several weeks the media has been “reporting” countless hours of gossip of the shenanigans of the Charlie Sheen. Now admittedly, Charlie Sheen has paid for the services of women to the tune of $30,000 for the night, as well as being caught with a suit case full of cocaine, enough to make the South American business man blush.
As we fast forward a few weeks from the bloody fangs toward The U.S foreign policy situations our country is dealing with Quadaffi in Libya and helping our Allie deal with their loss affected by the Tsunami which is causing great despair with breakage points at the Japanese’s Nuclear Plant in Fukushima.
While the Libyan dictator is terrorizing his own people, because all they want is fair and equality in their daily lives, and the Japanese people are running around frantic in in order to stay alive and set off nuclear reactors and spread radioactive waves; our fearless leader, our Commander and Chief is sitting back in Washington planning out his NCAA brackets and working on his golf game.

“The Bucks, not here”

Any avid talk radio listener can follower their favorite host as I have done searching Michael Graham’s Natural Truth Blog on WTKK 96.9, website I have found the above photo displaying Presidents Obama sitting at our desk stress free.

Now one could call the next thought that I am putting out there a crazy right wing nut job ideal, but America is a free country. We as Americans have a God given right to be as stupid as we want as long as our actions do not affect another person with bodily injury.

However our elected officials, in this case The President of the United States of America, and the Leader of the Free World, should be put under the microscope. President Obama can slide through all the cracks without being penalized, twiddling his thumbs taking 30 days to come to conclusion on Libya and barley acknowledging the devastation over in Japan. Or even the fact that Barack H Obama is so secretive about is birth certificate that Americans have to wonder what is he hiding? I am by no stretch a birther, but I would tend to believe along with Jay Severin, that logically what President Obama is hiding is the fact that what has been released is a certificate known as the short version, omitting the fact that he is in fact a Muslim.

But do not think Barack H Obama is alone, the well-known news organization, CNN is to blame too. Listening to WTKK 96.9 later on in the afternoon from 2pm to 6pm talk radio host Jay Severin would have announce a valid and disheartening point about CNN and how they are organizing on reporting on Prince Williams Wedding. They have 40 cameras stationed in Japan, however with the Royal Wedding coming up, set to have a total of 440 cameras there to cover that Event. I guess this means Japan needs to be Royalty or perhaps a bigger disaster, well just wait it may come sooner that we think.

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